The town of Boone was named for the legendary frontiersman Daniel Boone who maintained a hunting camp there in Watauga County. The surrounding mountains, such as Grandfather Mountain, boast elevations up to 6,000 feet above sea level. Renowned for outdoor offerings, this area offers a wealth of recreational activities including some of the Southeast’s best sites for bouldering, rock climbing, snow sports, water sports, and cycling.
Boone is also home to Appalachian State University – home of the Appalachian Summer Festival – a month-long visual and performing art celebration held annually in July.
Five miles from Boone, the historic community of Valle Crucis is a place where local residents still make the daily trip down to the 1883 general store to get their mail. Valle Crucis, which literally translates to “valley of the cross,” was named by an Episcopal priest in the mid-1800s when he observed the two streams that crossed in the valley below, forming a cross. This community hosts the annual Valley Country Fair on the third Saturday of October.
The nearby town of Seven Devils boasts cozy lodging and numerous outdoor adventures from hiking to ziplining.